Monster legends viability ranking
Monster legends viability ranking

Please use this list as a supplementary teambuilding resource rather than an official ranking. While we try to keep this list as objective as possible, these rankings are purely community-made. Monsters are ranked based on their performance at Rank 5 with optimal setups, as this format provides the most accurate representation of the PvP environment. For more information on the Special skill of each monster, go to the Monster Legends Wiki. It will rank every single monster's special skill, going from OP to F rank. Be advised that because the meta is constantly changing, this ranking can and will change in accordance to changes in a monster's performance in the PvP environment. Here is the arena's Viability Ranking, this time about Epic monsters' Special skills. There will be only three different categories: A, B and C Rank. This list is based around a monster's performance in The Arena (PvP), NOT Team Wars, Duels, etc. The Viability Ranking regroups and ranks all 12 Common Monsters in Monster Legends This Ranking will not be like the Monster Legends Competitive VR, as there are so few monsters that it would be stupid to rank them in 23 different categories. Only Doomed monsters are covered in this ranking. SS monsters are the most useful choice on your team and F ones are not recommended. Here is The Arenas Viability Ranking of the Galactic monsters from OP.

monster legends viability ranking

Here is The Arena's Viability Ranking of the Doomed monsters from SS Rank to F Rank. Monster Legends Competitive Wiki Elfriede is The Lord s finest piece of ironwork. The Doomed Viability Ranking is for Doomed monsters.

Monster legends viability ranking